We finally made it to Edinburgh! While I have to stop my jokes about how I used to live in London, it is very exciting to see performances and get to showcase Princeton Day School Theater internationally (or, when we're misbehaving, Hun School).
So we missed a bunch, as the internet in London was as shaky as the Wibbly Wobbly bridge was (good one, right?). So yesterday (Thursday), we had our ONLY rainy day in London, which is a miracle! We decided to stay closer so we didn't have to go far, and we went to the Tate Modern, which is located right in front of the Bankside House. I actually really enjoyed it - the first time I've been able to say that for Modern art. Look, mom! I'm cultured!
We got a chance to return to the Globe and sat in seats to watch a rehearsal for a show that didn't look too promising. OH! I loved As You Liked It, which we saw Wednesday night at the Globe. Though the groundling experience is something I don't want to relive, the play got so good that I forgot about the pains in my feet and back. It was hilarious!
Zeb, our workshop leader and Shakespearian actor took us to the workshop room and lead us through fun exercises. Everyone did a good job, including the tech crew!
As one group went to Harrods, I went with a bunch to Camden Town, a funky marketplace just 3 stops from where I lived (this has been a running joke). Some stayed to shop, while Thomas, Hunt, Abby, Connor, Sydney and I rented city bikes and cycled around Regent's Park. I took my mom's suggestion and took our group through Queen Mary's Garden. We then met back with the others at the tube stop, and I navigated our way through the Tube (something which I loved to do...another running joke.)
After a dinner at one of my old favorite restaurants, Pizza Express (thanks, Mom for reminding me about the dough balls) we went to the "hit show", We Will Rock You, featuring the music of Queen.....DEAR GOD. Stan did not do justice to how crappy the plot was, though I was on my feet screaming at the end because of the incredible vocal performances, technical marvels, and the hillarity of the holes in the story - it was set 300 years into the future, when music was banned (yes, even the bad guys sang) and the rebels, known as the Bohemians, sought to achieve their Rhapsody (I kid you not. When I figured that out, I was laughing by butt off.) It was VERY entertaining, and as Hunt described, "it had the best plot of any concert I've ever seen." Oh yeah, and one male lead was named Britney Spears. He was killed at the end of Act I, unbeknownst to me.
We had a really nice walk from the theatre home, and had our last chance to see London at night. Big Ben and Parliament look beautiful, as did the Eye. Though we all knew we had to get up at 5am the next day, I don't think anyone got more than 5 hours of sleep...
We had to shoot up, pack, shower, etc. and get on the bus to King's Cross Station to meet our AHSTF charter train. Daniella and Nicole, among others were disappointed they didn't get to see Platform 9 3/4. After a long wait, which involved watching the trailer to the movie The Rise of the Planet of the Apes (Stan and I recounted it from memory for the company), we got on our train, and after a quick Cast B line-through, most of us promptly fell asleep.
The ride was very interesting - we met three girls who are performing Almost, Maine at the Fringe, our conductor pointed out a 1,000 year old cathedral, but the most exciting part by far was the sighting of the HOGWARTS EXPRESS. I don't have pictures, but maybe someone else does. It made up for not seeing 9 3/4...
We got to a station just outside of Edinburgh, as the city's station is gridlocked, and met our driver who we called Scottish Beverly (though he was born and raised in Maplewood, NJ until the age of 12...). He briefly took us around the city, and then over to our dorms at Pollock Halls, U. of Edinburgh. Though I really miss my London roommates, the dorms here are AWESOME. Though it's dark right now, from the desk in my dorm, I can look out the 4x6 window and gaze up at Arthur's Seat. I'll post a picture tomorrow. And the food here rocks.
The company went down town to the Royal Mile and we were set loose for the evening. While trying to deciding what to see, a man came up to us and gave us free tickets to his show for tomorrow which has been well received, though is poorly attended because the venue is so far. I'm looking forward to that. From where I sat looking through the MASSIVE magazine of shows (which we're in!!) a highly energetic, colorful and talented Australian amateur percussion band set up right in front of me and entertained a crowd of 200 people for 45 minute. I got pictures with them. Later...
NOW! I'm back in my dorm, waiting for the laundry to be done, as I am out of clean boxers. HAVE A NICE NIGHT!
Glad to hear all the exciting details of your travels. My ears really perked up as you mentioned Maplewood, NJ because I too grew up there. Daniella continues to visit there. Ruth Rosenberg (Daniella Levitan's mom)