Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Lots of Pictures!
Last Show
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Making the best of the rest of the trip!

Friday, August 12, 2011
More Photos from Today!
We Will Rock You on the flaming bagpipe! Sorry about the ending...Jeff and I were mesmerized by the Spanish guy with a mullet trying to make dreadlocks...
Bus Tours, Coos and Gift Shops
This morning was a bit tough for the company. While we all had the great experience of seeing the Scottish countryside, we all found it tough to leave Edinburgh while there were still so many good shows to see.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Making sense of things
Cast A's final run
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The European Premiere of Peter Powers
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Military Tattoo and REVIEWS!!!
Lining Up Before the Show!
Pictures from our first show 8 8 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
European Premiere!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
George Bush Seduces the Queen

A quick run-down of some Fringe experiences:
Today we had our tech rehearsal over at our venue, and it couldn’t have gone more smoothly. We quickly proved to the adult technicians that we are very capable of handling our own show and acting professionally, and ended up finishing ahead of schedule. Its rainy and gray today and a lot of us were really tired and decided to relax in the dorms for a while. I later went out to see two shows, a very serious drama and an improvised musical comedy. How the improvised musical worked was an audience member would think of a title (today's was "George Bush Seduces the Queen') and the actors and band would make up the whole thing as they went along. Some of us who went had seen this improv group perform before, but since it is an entirely different show every night, I could see it again and again and laugh hysterically every time. Today was so fun!!
Yesterday we had the freedom to explore the city of Edinburgh and make our own choices of how to spend the day. I started out the day hiking with a few others to the top of Arthur’s Seat, a gorgeous and very steep hill. The view was absolutely incredible, and it was amazing how the busy city and the peaceful mountains are next-door neighbors. It was our first really rainy day on this trip, and throughout the day we got soaked to the skin. I later saw a show called “The Way It Feels,” followed later by a collection of monologues and small scenes called “Bash.” The entire city is just bursting with life and performances and you cannot make it down a street without being handed several fliers for various shows. It is hard not to spend tons of money everyday going to see every show that is advertised, but its important to pick and choose the shows you really want to see.
Day 2
Pictures are worth 1000 words
Saturday, August 6, 2011
And Fringe Begins
Friday, August 5, 2011
We finally made it to Edinburgh! While I have to stop my jokes about how I used to live in London, it is very exciting to see performances and get to showcase Princeton Day School Theater internationally (or, when we're misbehaving, Hun School).
Thursday, August 4, 2011
First FULL Day
We ate our first London breakfast this Wednesday morning, and then took the streets to experience as much of London as possible in the few days we have here. We split into smaller groups to enable most, if not all, people to travel to their preferred destinations. I took off with a group to the London Dungeon, where en route Nick Banks was whisked away by a street performer to face a mock guillotine (pictures to come of his terrified expression). At the London Dungeon we learned the dark history of London from actors in gruesome face paint and went on a few trilling rides (Connor Gibson was burned at the stake). Upon leaving the Dungeon I broke off with a smaller group to get a quick lunch and head to the Tower of London and there meet up with a few others. It was actually the coolest place ever! I remember visiting the Tower many years ago as a child, but I have a much greater appreciation for the history of the place now. In the evening, we all gathered for lunch at a park and then walked to the Globe to see “As You Like It” performed at the Globe as groundings. Three hours of standing in the audience later, our legs were sore but our understanding of great acting was expanded. It a wonderful experience to see a Shakespeare performed by truly talented and professional actors. We all crashed in our rooms after a truly memorable day.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
As WE Like It
Pictures coming tomorrow!
Post Sightseeing
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011

we're all at the airport waiting for british airways to take us across the sea. everyone made it through security, though thomas and daniella got detained for a minute - dont worry they made it! kalyn was nice enough to buy a tween quiz magazine - jeff's celebrity bff is miley cyrus, if you were wondering. thanks to kelly dun for seeing us off!!! next post: london!!!